September’s Photography Theme Image Round Up

This month we’ve been exploring new places, new ideas and new subjects within our photography. With Kim flying to Canada for two weeks, the community were encouraged to explore somewhere or something new for themselves. Like every month, members were given the autonomy to interpret this challenge however aligned with them. Some suggestions given however were, exploring and photographing somewhere local they’d always wanted to go but had never found the time, photographing somewhere they go regularly for other reasons but had never thought to photograph before, or literally going away for a day, weekend or holiday to a new place completely. As well as photographing new places, another suggestion was to photograph different subjects to their norm. If someone finds themselves always going to the coast, they were encouraged to try another landscape to see how they felt there and if they found any inspiration while doing so.

The whole purpose of this challenge was to allow those who participated to open themselves up to new ideas and perspectives. Through doing this we not only see things differently, but we also allow ourselves to be exposed to new inspiration and ideas. This can bring with it many new photographic opportunites as well as well being benefits.

Below you can see a number of the images created by the community this month. A great diversity was once again explored. I hope you enjoy looking through images and reading the beautiful words that complement them.

Carol Spence

Went camping for a long weekend with the Kids and Grandkids, we did bush walks, Football (I'm still aching) campfires and NO internet bliss.

The trees are a little different in Australia, look at those root systems!

Brian Nicholson

Silverburn Woodland , Midlothian.

I know these woods pretty well but have never noticed this tree.

I have now called it "Fantasia" after the Disney movie, I love this trees curves looking like it was showing off with a beautiful canopy like a cape wrapped around it.

Denise Savage

On a couple of gentle walks in the bush I took recently, I noticed something. It echoes the experience that either Nigel Danson or Simon Baxter had talked about on the podcast - that when they were out photographing, their pain wasn't noticeable. I came home and reflected that yes, when I was out with the camera, in the bush, focussed completely on my surroundings, I didn't notice the stiffness or soreness. I was so excited by the experience!

I took these on a walk I do all the time but thought, what is the new thing that this walk has for me today. What do I notice that I may not have noticed before. I ended up actually noticing new things emerging -bonus!! So it was flowers emerging, or new growth in the trees and shrubs. I did enjoy the experience of thinking differently and thinking into something new along a well worn and known path.

Stephnie Barker

Something completely new - A-bit of night time photography with a totally different kind of lighting.

Derika Grutter

I have had very little time to explore new places this month, but it is a new season! Fall is my faaaavorite!

Sue Rafferty

Another walk in the woods and this time just took my 40mm macro lens. Another 2 hours gone in flash as I wandered around my eyes catching so many wonderful things. The light was lovely again but the floor was very messy and churned after an absolute deluge last night that had me soaked to the skin as we returned from our day out.

Denise Savage

I had a couple of hours a week or so ago to explore a walk that I've been keen to do but have just not got there. It's a small little track near the CBD of Hobart on a hill. Covered in bush. A regular place for driving practice for learners, some sports fields, close to the botanic gardens, and somehow a little amazing treasure trove of a spot. I barely did 500m or so, but found so much. It doesn't look much of a spot to walk, but when you go with open eyes and curiousity, when you give yourself over to nature to just let it "talk" to you, there is loads in the most unsuspecting of places. I also found out some information about the little track I was on - some revegetation and rewilding as such of grasses, trees and water course. A place for some of the local wildlife to be at home and thrive. I had no idea that was there. No idea at all. It was just amazing for me to enjoy it.

Simon Temlett

Early morning dew made this seed head look like something to be taken for valuation on the Antiques Roadshow...

Stephanie Barker

Sometimes it’s what’s intimated that holds our imagination.

I was out walking in a wooded area and captured this image of a web created by a very industrious spider

Yvonne Jevons

Something new - on a magnificent sunny day I sat on a bench next to a small boating pond as the gentle breeze blew the thistle heads in front of me. I loved the silhouette of the plant lit by intense sunlight and converted to black and white


Here’s my contribution to this months challenge. Perhaps you have guessed already that I love taking photos of flowers Trying to figure out how to photograph them in a new way, I opted for multiple exposures. This is completely new to me. I do like the dreamy effect, but I believe I still have to practice more. I did enjoy binge watching several tutorials on YouTube and am looking forward to experiment further with this style.

Wanda-Lynn Searles

These are new to me as I used my iPhone 14 to take these. The red/yellow flowers are Barberton daisy, the yellow flower is Snapdragons and a Woolly Bear Caterpillar.

Ann Bollen

Something new...

I grew sunflowers for the first time this year. Went out to admire them and found this. Looks like a love heart to me...

Hayata Takeshita

I have not been able to get out to anywhere new because of the weather. I don't mind the rain but the gale force winds are tough to deal with.

Here is an unintentional image from the one day I did get out. I think I was trying to get a bee but missed. I like colors of it and the somewhat abstract nature of it. The green leaves could be sharper but I liked it overall. Now I need to figure out how to intentionally do this!

Lynn Medley

I have seen this different take on photography flowers, freezing them. I am not certain I did it correctly but had some fun

Stephanie Barker

Something new-typically in the past have not been drawn to botanicals- but I absolutely could not pass up the opportunity to capture this beautiful fall Dahlia with its magnificent pop of color and flair.


Something new: no flowers this time, but a humble attempt to photograph wildlife .

I experimented with macro, multiple exposures and a subtle bit of ICM. I see room for improvement and sure wish I had better focus on the 5mm large snail. But apart from that this image represents to me the joy of experimenting.

Stephanie Barker

Something new- I’m not typically drawn to photographing insects, not because I don’t find them to be lovely- I’ve just not had the proper equipment to do them justice. I really like the dreamlike nature of this image- I like trying to imitate the feel and look of a painting. I was also drawn to the illusion of having captured the wind moving about in the background.

Hayata Takeshita

I went to Holland Ridge Farms which is not new but they are only open for so many weeks.

Holland Ridge Farms is called a "u-pick" farm in New Jersey. They plant flowers on their farm and then you can go pick them. I have not seen these anywhere else.

Photography is also a big draw for them. They have little sets like colorful arbors to use as backgrounds. Some people hire a photographer to get family photos.

I am not into picking flowers or family photos and I just went for the nature photography.

There were a lot of bees on this visit so here are some bee photos! I was lucky to get some flying.

Lynn Medley

Somewhere new

Not really new but a place so many don’t look into. The world of insects. As so many of you know all you need fo do is sit on the ground and a new place opens.

Derika Grutter

Watched Kim's latest YouTube video tonight and had to laugh when she talked about photographing grubs and snails.... I just took my first photos of them myself the other day I think they are kind of cute myself, but if it were earlier in the season I might not be too happy about this guy munching on my Daylilys. I almost ran to get my camera and macro lens, but my phone did a decent job.

Christopher Gerard

Inspired by Michal's recent post, I had opened the front door and was about to leave the house when I spotted this little chap had been hard at work creating a structure that spanned the whole width of the front door, such that there was no way above, round or under. I was sorry to see him crawl away to start again somewhere else, but perhaps he'll find better pickings in a garden nearby. I hope so

May Hamilton

Me at a beach...well not new really but a different beach. On holiday at Cullen. Loved the diagonal of the green seaweed towards the cute anemone.

Brian Nicholson first midweek outing with my camera club today and we were in Haddington....most members went scouting around but I had made my mind up to stay at the riverside and bridge to see what I could create.

I was so lucky with this goose that I saw and it felt like it was my model.

Yvonne Jevons

Still ‘somewhere new’ this time with my grandson and a picnic by the lake. He was over the moon to feed the ducks and swans and was adamant I needed to photograph the magpie in the tree - not my forte at all and take my hat off to Simon and others who get amazing bird images.

Amazingly lovely place with woodland, bird hides at the lagoons and the coast just feet away too!

Stephanie Barker

Someplace new- no matter how far I go it’s still the same sky-Totally different from moment to moment

Sue Rafferty

I watched a webinar about multiple exposures last night courtesy of another group and have been inspired to revisit my sunset birches from Wales. The images that I posted from Wales were all in-camera ME so this morning I have gone back to the raw files and layered them in PS. I used more images for this one and adjusted the opacity of different layers to create the effects , I also wanted to try bringing some birds in, fortunately I had these lapwings and curlews from a day in Blyth in Northumberland and think the ghostly shapes just add to the image. Lots more practice needed and really need to spend more time with PS so that I can find my way around. but something else to keep me out of mischief when I can't get out and about

Raymond Metcalfe

not icm but more like unintentional camera movrment i saw the vivid colour of the alder stump and the contrast with the leaves that had fallen on it. I slipped when taking the shot but i liked the way it came out, Ipposted the secong shot for comparison

Derika Grutter

Not a new place (just my back yard) but tried some new techniques today. It was a beautiful evening and the breeze was just hitting the tops of the trees so I decided to try and capture it

Brian Nicholson

Last week whilst at Dalkeith Country Park I was drawn to the brown colours in this section of the River Esk as the turbulence of the water stirred it up from the river bed, focusing in close to isolate this section to show the different textures of the wafer as it cascades over the rocks below.

Peter Grant

Something New Somewhere: I was trying a few different shutter speeds to photograph the River Dee at Aboyne on Wednesday evening - 3 secs for the stones, then 1/13 for the ripples, and 10 seconds for the sticks.

Sue Rafferty

The seas around the Hebrides are so clear and while I was watching the approach of our ferry from Eriskay to Barra, I was wandering around with the camera, as you do .... I sat on the side of the jetty marveling again at the colour of the water, watching the motion of the tide and I was fascinated with the different types of seaweed that I had never seen before. Even though I didn't have my polarizer on I had a go at capturing some of it. I have used a fair bit of dehaze and clarity to bring out the colours and different textures but love the softness which represents the motion of the waves.

Lynn Medley

Actually doing something new, identifying shells and such on the beaches. Involved in a citizens effort

To record species through an app called iNaturlist. A lot of fun identifying things in nature with the help of folks all over the world.

I never really though much about sea shells once being a living thing and how they came about

Neill Windebank

A few more from Snowdon

Peter Grant

Somewhere new. Spending a few days in Northumberland. Alnmouth, Dunstanburgh Castle, Holy Island and Bellingham.

Sue Rafferty

Somewhere New

A rainy afternoon in Llanberis, with the cloud so low there was no chance of seeing Snowdon but I still enjoyed being out with the camera in the rain

Darrell Oakden

Photographing new places - America

Grant Smith

Trying something new, A few samples of different styles and types of street photography images I captured over three days. Mostly iPhone images. I found I was more comfortable with the IPhone compared to my DSLR and people around me took no notice of the iPhone camera.

Darrell Oakden

Photographing new places - America

Wanda-Lynn Searles

Some where new on my way back to Vermont. Mount Sidney Virginia. Taken with my iPhone going down the road.

Lynn Medley

Somewhere new.

"Exploring new places is a great way to relax and clear your mind." -Holly R. Patrick

May Hamilton

Somewhere New and Photographing Something New..

I get a bit down as the nights lengthen (despite my love of aurora) and feel driven to be out exploring as much as possible before Winter takes a hold. I took a fancy to explore Seaboard Villages and look for the famous mermaid. It was a mixed weather day but I got a few pictures of the mermaid with the phone camera. Then I found some sand trees and beautiful rocks with pretty indentations and patterns. A lovely day and well worth the spontaneous effort.

Grant Smith

I came across this little lady in the garden of the B&B my wife and I stayed at last night. We had a lovely chat, although I seemed to do much of the talking. Maybe she is a little shy. Her favourite flower in the garden were the Black Eyed Susan's and said she had a Ruby Throated Humming Bird friend that she was waiting for but was afraid she had left for the south without saying good bye so she was feeling a little sad.

Raymond Metcalfe

I thought i would try a bit of abstract photography.

Brian Nicholson

Today I was out with a few members from my photograph club at East Fortune for a motorcycle race , a completely different experience for me with such fast moving subjects ...I had a great time and here are the images I managed to get as much in focus as I could , there is one exception where I tried to be creative

Simon Temlett

Something New

Are you going to Scarborough Fair?

A long exposure view of my home town this evening with the fair in full swing on the left of the photo.

It was a real delight this month to see the community try new things and visit new places. A change of perspective was certainly explored and felt by many. When we open ourselves up to new ideas and experiences we grow and develop. It is a wonderful adventure! Now it’s time to begin Octobers photography challenge.


October’s Photography Theme Image Round-up


August’s Photography Theme Image Round Up